Religious Education
At Frittenden CofE Primary School we aim to promote an enquiry-based approach to RE through the implementation of Understanding Christianity and the Diocese of Canterbury’s agreed syllabus for world religions.
During each Key Stage, pupils are taught knowledge, skills and understanding through learning about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism. Each unit of work identifies prior learning and builds on a key question. RE is taught weekly for an hour and a quarter. We aim to offer our children a wide range of religious experiences; where they are learning about religion and from religion.
Experiences at Frittenden Primary
- Handling artefacts
- Exploring sacred texts
- Visits and visitors to enhance learning of a religion
- Opportunities for celebration, prayer and reflection
- Termly visits to our local church
- Comparing religions and worldviews through discussion
- Using role-play or drama to express feelings and ideas
- Responding to images, games, stories, art, music and dance
Assessment of RE is ongoing, to inform teachers with their planning, lesson activities. RE is monitored throughout year groups through book looks, learning walks and pupil voices.
Our Christian values underpin all aspects of our teaching and learning. The high aspirations and expectations the teaching team have for the children ensure that no child is given a learning limit or ceiling and that every child is given the opportunity to flourish. The school values are integrated into every Religious Education lesson as follows
Respect: Respect it at the core of our RE lessons: respect for the world around us and the environment; respect for people from other cultures; respect for people with different beliefs; respect for opinions and having a voice that will be heard.
Joy: Children are encouraged to find joy in the everyday; experience joy for their success and the success of others; and to share their joy. We find joy learning about Christianity and other world religions; knowing their leaders, stories and celebrations.
Compassion: we have compassion for each other and for who are not listened to or whose beliefs are not supported and embraced by others. A compassionate learner and free thinker is a better model to their peers.
Religious Education must be provided for all pupils. However, parents have the right to withdraw children from Religious Education. Any parent wishing to withdraw their child should contact Ms Costello.