Embedding our Intent- Music
At Frittenden C of E Primary School our intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres.
Our main objective is to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.
To ensure a good progression of skills throughout their primary school career we ensure teachers develop and build upon the key elements of Music so that children can broaden their knowledge and extend their skills and understanding.
We provide as many opportunities for music to be part of our daily life as possible with music in the dinner hall, in assemblies, during prayers and whenever relevant, linked to our learning in other curriculum areas, particularly English, Maths and Topic as well as it being taught as a discreet subject through our use of Musical School (Charanga) which ensures the coverage and progression of skills necessary within each specific year group.
In addition, we have a peripatetic teacher of music, who teaches guitar in key stage 2. In key stage 1 the children learn to play the ocarina.
We aim to create lifelong lovers of music by providing opportunities that children will reflect upon in later years and remember why making music and enjoying the music of others is such an important experience. We want our children to consider how music makes them feel and use it as a positive throughout their lives.
Assessment of Music is ongoing; helping to inform teachers with their planning and lesson activities. RE is monitored throughout year groups through learning walks and pupil voices. Our Christian values underpin all aspects of our teaching and learning. The high aspirations and expectations the teaching team have for the children ensure that no child is given a learning limit or ceiling and that every child is given the opportunity to flourish. The school values are integrated into our music education and lessons as follows:
Joy - The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school community, enriching each child while strengthening the shared bonds of support and trust which make a community. Children are encouraged to sing, compose and play tuned and un-tuned instruments regularly to ensure a familiarity and confidence. Children want to perform their compositions, collaborations and songs and strive to do this to a high standard.
Compassion – Children are encouraged to listen to each other’s music and provide constructive feedback. This helps students develop empathy and understanding towards each other. Additionally, music is a means of helping children express their emotions and feelings: enabling children to develop emotional intelligence and compassion towards themselves and others.
Respect -All music is celebrated, critically analysed and encouraged by staff, other children and themselves. Children show respect when listening to each other perform.