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Clubs can enhance a child’s learning and enjoyment at school and can help them to acquire and develop new and existing skills. In particular children of primary school age benefit enormously from the exposure to activities that they otherwise might not encounter and we are passionate about being able to offer as wide a range of clubs as is possible for the children of Frittenden Primary School.  

Staff provide a number of before and after school clubs.  Recently these have included Mindfulness, Computing, Art and craft, Construction Club, Board Games, Gardening, Baking, Lego, Science, and Chess.  As well as the ever-popular Friday Movie Club.

Sport is also well catered for at the school with Friday Football and Hockey clubs and pupils are given the opportunity to compete at local netball, football, Hockey and athletics tournaments.   

Due to Government Guidance around the COVID pandemic, we are in the process of reviewing all extra-curricular activities to see what is going to be possible from Term 2. Further updates will be made available after this review. 

Clubs Timetable 2020-21