The Wider Curriculum
At Frittenden we bring learning to life through a host of visits and visitors.
During Parliamentary week the whole school visited Winston Churchill's home: Chartwell; Key Stage 2 visited the Houses of Parliament and learned about democracy; and the week was completed with a visit from Helen Grant M.P.
Each year we have a celebration of science during British Science Week. Last year Key Stage 2 went to London and visited the Science Museum: they took part in activities in the Wonder Lab. Back at School Tony the Bug Man came in and the children learned about many different types of insects, arachnids and other exciting creatures. Key stage 1 and lower key stage 2 visited Leggs Wood and carried out some extensive field work learning about the flora and fauna who inhabit the woods. This year we had a very exciting and interactive day hosted by Sublime Science. All the children took in workshops throughout the day.
We always endeavour to bring learning to life and offer the children experiences, for example, when learning about the Ancient Greeks Shakespeare Class went to see the Elgin Marbles and had a Greek day; Wells Class saw the Rosetta Stone when studying Ancient Egyptians and when learning about an aspect of the Victorian's the children visited the Victoria and Albert museum.
Closer to home, last year we participated in the village's exhibition remembering World War 1 and it's impact on the village. The children learned about the men from the parish who went to war; they learned about the impact upon the village and we hosted a service in St.Mary's church inviting people from the village to join us. During the course of their learning Shakespeare Class visited the Imperial War Museum. Each year we visit the War Memorial and remember those who gave their lives in all wars.
The Historical Society often visit and help us when we are learning about local history- recently they brought in some Roman pots that were found in a pond in Leggs Wood. They have also helped us to learn more about the long history of our school. Tunbridge Wells Museum have brought in artefacts for us to help with our learning too.
During Arts Week last year each class studied different artist and artistic movements they had a fantastic time and produced some wonderful pieces of art.
Last year were lucky to have a visiting theatre company come to the school to perform an open air production of Wind in The Willows. This was a fabulous end to a week studying the book by Kenneth Grahame. The previous year we went to Small Hythe Place to see the same company perform The Reluctant Dragon.
Each year the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to take part in a week long activity-based residential visit. The children gain a great deal from the experience.