Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental health and well being of pupils, parents and staff is very important to us - more so now than ever.
Please use these helpful resources:
Kent County Council have issued a Kent Together letter to parents regarding a 24 hour helpline. Please see details here
Fegan's Counselling information can be accessed here
Pooky Knightsmith has developed two free courses to support at parents at this time:
- COVID19 – Staying Mentally Well – which walks you through simple steps you can take to try to look after your emotional wellbeing
- Simple Self-Soothe Strategies – which introduces you to five simple strategies for relaxation and self-soothing which can be used by adults or children.
Both of these courses are a series of short videos filled with simple, practical ideas you can use right away. I hope you like them!
Young Minds : dealing with anxiety, isolation and social distancing.
Young Minds : parents - Supporting your child during the pandemic.
Fancy learning something new? Parents or grandparents - The Open University have a huge range of online courses which are free.
Action for Happiness - Coping Calendar
Calming Activities, Mindfulness, Breathing, Yoga Videos, Exercise and More...
Lots of activities including mindfulness, active blasts, Maths and English.
Childline Calm-Zone
Just Breathe
A video aimed at children to help them feel calmer
150 Sensory Learning Ideas
Apps for Wellbeing and Mental Health
The following websites that have looked at the best apps for children. Many are free!
Stop, Breathe and Think App
Check in with how you're feeling and try short activities tuned to your emotions
Smiling Mind App
A great app with age specific mindfulness resources, including a new resource, 'Thrive Inside'. Thrive Inside is a special program to help you stay psychologically healthy while you're spending extended periods of time at home.
Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness App
This app often has a two week trial available