Our Curriculum
At Frittenden School, we have developed a creative and cross-curricular approach to learning. We aim to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding whilst taking into account what the children want to find out. We encourage our children to become independent learners who are also able to collaborate effectively in problem solving situations. Our teachers use innovative and inspirational approaches, tailored to their class and each child’s specific needs, in order to work towards our Vision:
Shepherding our school community to enrich God's world and flourish.
Because our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes comprise of two year groups, we have devised a two year rolling programme of cross-curricular units. The current long-term planning can be found within the class pages.
For the teaching of phonics, in the foundation stage and key stage 1, we use the ‘Monster Phonics' programme, alongside their phonic phase linked reading books.
We have invested in the Nelson Reading Scheme which is carefully banded to enable children to progress through the levels, with sufficient challenge. We use PM Benchmarking to assess the children. Reading books are sent home regularly.