Anxiety Workshop
Delivered by Victoria Hunter
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Please contact the school office if you wish to book your place.
Find out about some of things we have been up to as a school lately. Here you will find blogs about a selection of activities, trips, visits and projects we've been involved in. From raising money for local and national charities we think are important to challenging ourselves with opportunities to learn new skills and further our learning. Always making sure we are having fun!
Delivered by Victoria Hunter
Get expert advice from experienced professionals. Sign up today for free!
Please contact the school office if you wish to book your place.
Two very successful workshops!
Chaplins Mini Panto
Kent County Council (KCC) is seeking views on how the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) might fit within new ways of working that are being introduced as part of the ongoing transformation of Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services in Kent.
The STLS works mainly with Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) in mainstream settings, providing advice, support and training that supports early years settings and schools to provide good inclusive education to children and young people with SEND.
Please see attached a flyer from KCC offering a four-session course for parents and carers.
St. Mary's Harvest Festival - Friday 13th - not unlucky for us.
We love Open The Book. The parishioners from St.Mary's and Sissinghurst church come together to act out, and bring to life Bible stories. The children get to take part too.
Erika and Olivia came to see us on Wednesday 27th September. They brought with them several of their owls: short eared owls, little owl, a barn owl and an African owl. The children learnt all about them and got to see them in flight. It was really impressive seeing them fly over the children's head - without making a sound. All the children had their photographs taken with the barn owl too!
Andrew Smith - a man with a tarantula obsession - came to visit on Monday 9th October. Having been a science teacher for 22 years, he has a wealth of knowledge and a vast array of animals to share. The children met and handled several creatures, including: a bubble frog, cain toad, blue tongued lizard, tortoise, snake, cockroaches, chameleon, tarantula, giant African land snails, terrapins... the list was impressive. All the while, he taught classification, habitats, evolution... vast swathes of new language. An amazing day was had by all the children and they all learned so much. Andrew will definitely be back!
The SEN policy is under review. We would like to invite stakeholders, such as parents to have their say and give their views.
Coronation Celebration
Quantum Theatre joined us on Tuesday 21 June to perform an open air production of The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny.