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Glossary of Provision

Glossary of provision

1:1 Reading

This is quite simple where an adult listens to a child read on a 1:1 basis.

Auditory Processing

Some children experience difficulties in following instructions and retaining information- this intervention helps develop children’s auditory memory by improving their auditory recall ability in a structured and enjoyable way.

Building Reading Stamina

Building Reading Stamina is a one to one additional support for reading delivered by teaching assistants focussed on the development of independent reading strategies and understanding of text.​

Clever Fingers

Some children have difficulty with fine motor skills and need support in developing strong muscles in their fingers, hands and wrists.  This practical intervention supports this and involves activities such as threading beads onto string and following curves and circles with a pencil.

Dancing Bears

Sometimes children need to learn phonics in a different way; this synthetic programme particularly supports children who cannot or find it difficult to ‘blend’ sounds into words.

English Booster

This intervention supports children who require additional help with a particular concept in class.

Handwriting Heroes

An intervention created in school to support children that need additional handwriting practice.  This is led by an adult in small groups and focuses on pencil grip and letter formation.

Maths Booster

This intervention supports children who require additional help with a particular concept in class.

Funky Phonics

An intervention created in school to support children who require additional help in learning or applying their phonic knowledge.

Reading Booster

This intervention supports children who require additional help in reading; this may be support in recognising sight words, improving fluency or comprehension work.

Sensory Circuits

Sensory Circuits is a series of activities designed specifically to wake up all the senses in readiness for the busy day at school. They include;

1. Alerting activities (spinning, bouncing and skipping) which stimulates the body’s central nervous system in preparation for learning.

2. Organising activities (balancing on a wobble board, stepping stones) which demand brain and body to work together.

3. Calming activities (heavy muscle work and deep pressure). This gives an awareness of their body in space and increases the ability to self-regulate sensory input.

Social Communication

This intervention has been specifically created for children who find social situations difficult.

Speech and Language

All of our Speech and Language interventions are bespoke and follow the advice of external professionals such as a Speech and Language Therapist or from an individual assessment analysis.


Success@arithmetic aims to enable children who are working at levels below age-related expectations, to secure the mathematical understanding they need to increase their rate of progress.

Super Spelling

An intervention created in school to support children in learning how to spell particular words and practising to write them in sentences.

Touch Typing

A fun, interactive ICT program that helps children improve spelling and keyboard skills.

Well Being

An intervention that allows children time to learn or practice strategies to help them cope with stressful or unfamiliar situations.

Write from the start

An intervention to develop fine motor and perceptual skills for effective handwriting.