At Frittenden Primary School our intent is to promote a culture of enjoyment of mathematics, foster a resilience in pupils’ and promote ‘I can do’ attitudes and approaches to embed a depth of understanding of the subject. We aim to inspire and create confident and happy mathematicians who thrive from the challenge of mathematics across the curriculum.
Maths is taught daily and usually during the morning session. Lessons are planned and taught so that all children can learn and succeed, regardless of ability. Those needing extra support are given it by the class teacher or teaching assistants during the lesson. If any children are still in need of further support, maths interventions are provided for these children and usually carried out by the class’ teaching assistant. Maths sessions are in line with the programme of study detailed in the National Curriculum for Mathematics; Maths lessons are carefully structured to move in very small steps, and to include a variety of ways of presenting the maths. The idea is to teach each concept in depth, before moving on too quickly.
In line with the National Curriculum we aim to ensure that pupils:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
- reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
We have implemented the White Rose Scheme of Learning to support the teaching of Mathematics at Frittenden Primary School. This involves teaching children in progressive small steps, using carefully selected models and images to support their learning; Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations are powerful teaching and learning tools when it comes to developing a deep conceptual understanding of the abstract notations.
The emphasis on the problem-solving and reasoning elements of mathematics are a key focus of White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning and approach. This incorporates teaching children to talk about the how and why they have completed problems in such a way whilst continuously developing mathematical vocabulary.
During lessons, children are encouraged to visualise mathematical concepts in different ways such as in abstract, concrete and pictorial representations. Children of all ages are also encouraged to use manipulatives in lessons to help support and extend their learning.
Maths lessons on a particular area ensure that children are mathematically fluent first before they complete reasoning and then solve problems and investigations linked to that area.
Teachers assess informally during each lesson and use this to inform future planning. Children also complete a more formal assessment at the end of each term.
Parents are encouraged to support children in their mathematical learning at home. Children from year 2 upwards are given an individual log in to the website Times Tables Rock Stars which can be accessed at home on computers, laptops or tablets for the children to practise their time tables.
Children are also provided with a Mental Arithmetic (MA) book to complete as homework. Guidance on MA can be found in this section. The children are expected to spend a certain amount of time each week completing this depending on their age (see homework policy)
Yearly Maths Overviews |
Potter Class(Reception) |
Year 1Year 2 |
Year 3Year 4
Year 5Year 6
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), children strive to ensure that will develop a strong grounding in number, essential for providing children with the platform to excel mathematically. We understand the importance of early experiences of maths, and have committed to ensuring that Mathematics permeates our continuous provision. Our approach places a significant emphasis on developing a strong grounding in number – understanding that this is a necessary building block for children to excel in the subject. This is why our EYFS provision follows White Rose so that children are provided with a smooth transition as they transition to the National Curriculum in Year 1. By providing frequent, varied and engaging opportunities to build and apply this understanding, children will develop a secure base of knowledge from which mathematical mastery is built.
The two key ELG’s for mathematics are:
ELG Number:
- Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number;
- Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5;
- Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts
ELG: Numerical Patterns
- Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system;
- Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity;
- Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally.
Practitioners provide creative and engaging opportunities for children to ignite their curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject, while focusing on the three prime areas of: Communication and Language, Physical Development and PSED. Activities and experiences are frequent and varied, and allow children to build on and apply understanding of Numbers to 10. Concrete manipulatives are a key focus within sessions, as is the use of pictorial representations including Tens Frames and Part/Whole Models. Children are actively encouraged to use mathematical terminology within their understanding, with a focus on developing positive attitudes and interest in the subject.
In addition, it is important that the curriculum includes rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures. It is important that children develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, look for patterns and relationships, spot connections, ‘have a go’, talk to adults and peers about what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes. We provide a range of opportunities for spatial reasoning with regard to shape, space and measure and children explore these concepts as well as receive explicit teaching to ensure they have a stepping stones to spring from in Year 1.
Cultural Capital
With our firm belief that knowledge is transferable, our pupils are given every opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning experiences beyond their classroom. Cultural Capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success – in the world of work, in relationships forged throughout life and as a valued contributor to society. Therefore, our aim is to give children the knowledge and skills to prepare them for what comes next in their lives. This includes the relevant vocabulary needed throughout their education and the opportunity to link maths to real-world problem solving. Children have opportunities to apply mathematics in Design Technology, Science, Computing, Art as they explore pattern, shape and design, history as they explore timelines, geography in maps/scales/time zones and music as they learn about rhythms and beats in compositions. Maths contains a wealth of knowledge and concepts that are essential for future success and is weaved throughout our curriculum as we prepare our chilldren for the future.