Our Geography curriculum aims to foster fascination and inspire curiosity about the world that they live in and the places, people and systems within it. In a world that is so interconnected, ever-changing and diverse, it is important that our children have a genuine interest in their world – both at a local and global scale. Beginning with the foundations in EYFS, our goal is to stir a love of the subject that extends beyond Frittenden CoE Primary School.
Children investigate and discover a range of places – beginning with the locality of our school and Frittenden, and extending to the United Kingdom and abroad. Through our carefully selected Geography topics, children will gain and build on knowledge about places, people, resources and natural and man-made environments. In addition, they will develop their understanding of key human and physical processes that shape and change our world. Throughout all topics, children develop and hone geographical skills of fieldwork to collect, interpret geographical information and communicate geographical information in different ways.
In order to provide engaging and motivation lessons, our Geography teaching uses a range of strategies to inspire our children which include active learning, investigations, use of stories and games. Topics are launched with a big question that is explored through the topic and culminate with an event or piece of learning to answer the question. Deeper thinking is encouraged by using challenge questions within lessons. Displays will celebrate the children’s learning while also display vocabulary and key information to help embed knowledge. Where appropriate, links are drawn with History to make a broader topic that encompasses both subjects.
Cross curricular events are planned at start and end of topics to engage and celebrate the learning. Naturally Geography is a subject about the world outside so where possible visits, trips and visitors are planned to bring learning to life.
Our Christian values underpin all aspects of our teaching and learning. The high aspirations and expectations the teaching team have for the children ensure that no child is given a learning limit or ceiling and that every child is given the opportunity to flourish. The school values are integrated into every geography lesson as follows:
Respect: Respect it at the core of our geography lessons: respect for the world around us and the environment; respect for explorers and conservatists; respect of diversity and cultures in our society and the wider world; respect for opinions if we do not always agree.
Joy: Children are encouraged to find joy in the everyday; experience joy for their success and the success of others; and to share their joy. This is done through offering supportive advice and giving praise to peers for brilliant effort and achievements.
Compassion: We are compassionate about global issues and the environmental impact that human process is having on the world. We want to play our part in preserving our planet. A compassionate geographer and free thinker is a better model to their peers.